It was lovely day in a fab venue and the competitors performances were inspiring and showed of so much talent!
And our South Pole Instructor Carol and our old South Pole Student and friend Bekki were also on stage!!........ yes they had a prestigious responsibility of pole cleaners for the competitors!..... so proud of them being part of a fab team that make MPD run so smoothly
Well done Girlies! (and yes thats them working hard on the poles in the picture)
The whole day was enjoyed by a full theatre.... and with a few events making it extra memorable including a fire alarm leading to standing in the great british rain and not forgetting a proposal on stage for MPDUK2012 winner Sarah Scott!
So the main results-
Mr Pole Fit 2013 – Dan Rosen
Doubles winners – Steph K Foster and Charlotte Roberston
Miss Pole Dance 2013 – Lorna Thomas (and with a broken toe!)
See you soon
South Pole AKademy